Main varieties and uses of quartz glass

Because the quartz glass has the excellent properties of light transmission and heat resistance from the ultraviolet to infrared area.It is widely used in electric light source such as ultra high pressure mercury lamp, mercury lamp, xenon lamp, UV lamp, halogen lamp, halogen lamp, gas laser lamp and metal halide lamp.
The cover of polysilicon furnace made by quartz glass replacing the stainless steel used in the past not only greatly improve the quality of polysilicon products, but also to save energy.The production of single crystal silicon by polycrystalline silicon requires a large number of quartz crucible. Single crystal silicon can make integrated circuits and transistors.
Opaque quartz glass can produce infrared heater, heater and heater crystal. It mainly used for electroplating liquid heating, acid heating, household heating and tempered glass heating.
Because of its excellent acid resistance and heat resistance, widely used in the field of chemical industry.Such as synthetic hydrochloric acid gas combustion device; high temperature, cooling and guiding device; acid solution evaporation, cooling, absorption and storage device, distilled water, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid production device tired; chlorination reaction vessel; distillation tower filler, steam heating and stirring device; acid proof valve; filter plate etc..
Because the quartz glass has excellent electrical insulation and heat resistance, can be used for the division of vertical Seoul static, high frequency and all kinds of electrical insulation materials, power plant boiler liquid level pipe, high voltage insulation pipe, etc..
The quartz glass is not contaminated pure burning, so can be used as a phosphor material firing container and a variety of cups, plates etc..
Quartz glass is widely used in the general protection of the thermometer tube. In addition, it can be used for an immersion pyrometer tube and the temperature of steel as the material.
Due to the heat resistance of quartz glass is especially good.Used in carbon tube sampling analysis like open hearth furnace, blast furnace with oxygen.Even the note tapping hole of quartz glass for steelmaking and rolling; Precious metals, gold, platinum smelting with quartz glass; Quartz glass for non-ferrous metal smelting.
Due to the excellent electrical properties, heat resistance and air tightness, the quartz glass can be used as an electric furnace, a gas stove, a high frequency furnace, a furnace core tube and an outer tube, and is also used for air, various gases and vacuum furnaces.
Because the quartz glass have many excellent characteristics, can be used for thermal expansion instrument, electrical measurement, balance, spring balance, seismic instrument parts, flask, beaker, evaporation, crucible, boat, quantitative analysis of sulfur condenser device, appliances, physical and chemical laboratory supplies spectrophotometer with the absorption capacity and walk on.
The quartz glass have a high UV transmittance, heat resistance and low expansion of schlieren photography can be used for window glass, window glass lens and the reflecting telescope with heat, mirror, prism, gas laser window glass, optical standard etc.
Optical fiber is a quartz glass fiber, it requires a high purity of quartz glass. Widely used in the field of optical communication.