1, Metallurgical industry:

Mainly used in the manufacture of refractory brick, smelting silicon alloy (ferrosilicon, silicon manganese, chromium and silicon) and as flux. The pure quartz rod can be made of crystalline silicon. Crystalline silicon is the main raw material for the production of monocrystalline silicon, and silicon aluminum and silicon.

2, The construction industry:

Can be used as an important building base stone. Gravel can be used as filling stone and railway ballast. Sand and asphalt mixture can pave the way, quartz can also be used as portland cement calibration materials. Can also be used as sand cement batching, aerated concrete, ordinary products, etc..

3, Glass industry:

Quartz rod is the main raw material for making glass. Can make all kinds of flat glass, glass bricks, glass containers, etc.. Can make optical glass, glass equipment, conductive glass, and anti – ray special glass. Can also be made of refractory brick for glass furnace lining.