About the uses of adding quartz in the porcelain, the main points are as follows:

1, Increase the body mechanical strength and transparency.

2, High temperature chemical affinity is very strong, compounds with many other oxide, high temperature liquid viscosity is very high, the increase of body binding capacity.

3, When firing out, due to the quartz heating expansion appropriately offset blank firing shrinkage. And when the glass is quite large, quartz has become the skeleton of ceramics yet. It can prevent the green body from bending deformation and other defects during firing..

4, Quartz in the firing and heating-up process, appearing crystal transformation and volume expansion. It can offset the partial shrinkage of the green body. As the quartz crystal transformation will cause volume change, so in the heating and cooling process we should be carefully controlled cooling and heating speed and to avoid cracking products.

5, Quartz belongs to the barren material. It has an important influence on the ceramic body heating under room temperature. Before firing up, quartz in the blank has function of adjust plasticity for mud. And it can reduce the shrinkage during drying, shorten the drying time and prevent body deformation (including deformation and collapse sink).