There are two main types of quartz glass: one is natural quartz glass, the other is synthetic quartz glass.
(1) natural quartz glass. Natural quartz glass is a quartz glass made of natural crystal or silica powder (quartz sand) by melting at high temperature. The general natural crystal surface is not clean, but also massive. During production, natural crystal should be carefully selected, pickling, washing, then crushed into powder, and then also need cleaning, to become the production of quartz glass raw materials. Quartz sand selection, cleaning more stringent, the process is also more diverse. In general, The quartz glass production is very strict with raw materials. Quartz glass has two requirements for raw materials: firstly, the quartz glass is single silica, only pure silica fused can be made to quartz glass. If the raw material contains a certain amount of impurities, melting out of thing is changed in performance, it can’t be quartz glass, but should be ordinary glass. Therefore,  Producing quartz glass has harsh requirements for raw materials.
2) synthetic silica glass. Synthetic quartz glass is made from four silicon chloride, oxygen and hydrogen, so it is called synthetic quartz glass. If you want to improve the purity of quartz glass, can strengthen the distillation purification and hydrogen purification, the purity of four silicon and hydrogen purity increase, the purity of quartz glass will naturally increase. In fact, not only four silicon can be as raw material to make synthetic quartz glass, two chloro two hydrogen trichlorosilane, silicon and silane can also be made to synthetic quartz glass.