Performance SP-200 series
2.2 x 103kg/m3
Tensile strength 4.7 x 107Pa(n/m2)
Compressive strength >1.1 x 109Pa
Coefficient of thermal expansion (20 oC -300 oC) 5.5 x 10-7 cm/cm oC
Thermal conductivity (20 oC) 1.4w/m oC
Specific heat (20 oC) 660J/kg oC
Softening Point 1683 oC
Annealing point 1215 oC


Thermal stability- The transparent quartz tube was heated to about 1100 oC for 15 minutes. And then immediately quenched into water(about 20 oC). Repeated three times tests will not have cracks, gaps and more than 3mm avalanche.